Bridgetown with GitHub Pages and custom domain

For this personal website, I wanted to keep it lean and minimal and the blogging software or CMS should stay out of the way. It shouldn’t be a hassle to maintain or update. So in 2022 I started this site with the Bridgetown static site generator. And so far, it’s going well.

Having become quite an avid fan of Ruby in my recent developer years, a Ruby-powered static site generator seems a good fit. Bridgetown stands on the shoulders of Jekyll, which became immensely popular through Github Pages.

“Like the Ruby language itself, Bridgetown is optimized for web developer happiness.”

There is an undeniable appeal to static websites. Fast and simple, solid and staying as they are, without surprises (usually).

Build and deploy on Github

Thanks to @andrewmcodes for the writeup on how to setup the Bridgetown Github Pages plugin to automatically publish a site when pushing new content.

I noticed that in order to get the deployment working with a custom domain the cname setting has to be included in the workflow file:

# .github/workflows/gh-pages.yml (Deploy section)
- name: Deploy
  uses: peaceiris/actions-gh-pages@v3
    github_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
    publish_dir: ./output

To prevent the auto reload script from being included in the deployed code I also changed the build environment in the Rakefile to production:

# Rakefile
desc "Build the Bridgetown site for deployment"
task :deploy => [:clean, "frontend:build"] do
  ENV["BRIDGETOWN_ENV"] = "production"

View this site’s source on Github.